MTM Method - Manage, Calm & Stop Tics in Adulthood

You're joining an online program that introduces the MTM Method of healing that is crafted to help you Manage, Calm and Stop your Motor Tic, Vocal Tic, Nervous Twitch or Tourettes once and for all.


  • Everything you need to Master Your Tic
  • 25+ videos teaching you expert knowledge and principles
  • 15+ practices and exercises
  • 30+ links to supportive content, videos and posts for healing
  • Worksheets & assessments
  • Guided healing meditations and transmissions for Tics
  • Support from the community (hundreds and hundreds of comments, reflections and insight from people just like you)
  • Work through at your own pace at home
  • Unlimited access to additional future content
  • Additional 1 on 1 support via zoom available (extra cost.)

Payment can be made in any currency (although, on this site it will show up as USD.)

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What People Are Saying:

I cannot thank you enough for presenting the information in the way that you did, by being authentic and yourself, speaking from the heart. The changes I am experiencing are just amazing. I feel like I now have control back of my life, I know that I am free of the shackles that have burdened my mind and body for 30 years.

Matt P.

I don’t know where to start. First of all I can safely say my tics have improved so much , I think about 80 to 90% I hardly notice them at all, there’s some every now and then but the intensity of them is very mild. And as you said I am so present with myself and other people my communication skills has improved so dramatically. Thank you tics and thank you Dazz.

Frank B.

Dazz, I cannot find too true word to tell you, you are a magician! I am both thankful to find you and regret little bit to find you this much late. I am almost not ticcing anymore - this is a miracle! I will keep going on your teachings for deeper relaxation. Thank you very much, you are a miracle.


My experience is that therapists don't really understand tics - that's what makes this group different. Dazz gets it!

Jonathan K.

Thank you Dazz your story is inspiring, I love that you were able to overcome such great tics. Mine are more minor but still annoying. I have been doing the MTM Method, lowering my anxiety, manually and have dropped my medication for tics and I have seen an almost complete stop.


After watching almost all your videos, my subjective consciousness has flipped a switch and told my subconscious mind is it very possible to SELF HEAL using holistic and natural techniques as described in the MTM Method Course that Dazz is offering. I had chronic tics for over 30 years and I too have been able to heal and stop my tics by following Dazz’s techniques.


Hello Dazz, I have officially cured my tics so thank you for the help.


Hey, At first I thought this exercise was crazy. I must say I've noticed a huge difference after just one week. Great practice! My kids get a kick out of it too, might as well bring them in on the fun!

Brandon D.

I just watched the videos and I'm really thankful for invoking hope inside my self. I was about to give up and live with the tic forever, but you changed all of that for me.


I am very pleased with what I learned from your course. I have recommended the course to others. I'm in mental health myself, and was highly impressed.

Heather M.

I have just finished the course and I wanted to say thank you from the very bottom of my heart. I have had an enormous shift in the past 2 months and I went from ticcing hundreds of times per day to ticcing only a handful of times every few hours. I haven’t stopped ticcing completely but I’m gradually starting to see a way out of this after alot of years.

Matt C.

$395.00 USD

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