Your Options for Stopping Chronic Tics as an Adult

My flagship program, 'The MTM Method' is a great place to start. Alternatively, I offer an 8 week 1 on 1 Zoom Call Coaching Program. Or, one-off Zoom Call sessions.

MTM Method - Online Video Program to Stop Tics in Adulthood

Discover & practice the 7 tools I used to manage, calm and stop ticcing. I went from ticcing thousands of times a day for 20 years, to peace and stillness in my body by learning these techniques. This program is for adults and teens. All videos & content is pre-recorded. 

MTM Method Online Program

CBT Therapy for Stopping Tics in Adulthood - Zoom - 8 weeks

This 1 on1 zoom call program includes the pre-recorded video program above, but we work closely for 8 weeks via video call, from wherever you are in the world. This is the most potent, and powerful way to learn how to master your mind, body and emotions - quickly - in order to stop the tics.

Zoom Call Program 1 on 1

Book a Consultation Call

Have some questions before proceeding? Book a free 20 minute consultation in my calendar.

Frequently Asked Questions

It usually boils down to the price point, and how much value you're willing to offer to yourself in order to stop Ticcing. The pre-recorded program is significantly more affordable than working with me 1 on 1. However, the potency, tailored techniques & tools and personal care I can give you in your healing transformation are multiplied a thousandfold by working with me 1 on 1. 

Yes! A vocal tic is simply a motor tic that makes a sound. A vocal tic is a motor tic that makes a movement in the area of the body that needs to express thru the vocal cords in some way. The tools I teach are pioneered from the disciplines of Embodiment, Intimacy, Breathwork and Mindfulness. They offer natural ways to better connect to a deeper part of you - the part that is currently uncontrollable. 


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