
Free resources on your path to healing a Motor Tic, Nervous Twitch, Vocal Tic or Tourettes. I've healed myself, you can too. 

How to Stop Neck Twitching

Jan 31, 2023

For many of us who Tic, it starts in the neck. 

There is a specific spot at the back of the neck where tightness begins - at the top of the spine. 

The sensations that run up the spine get 'stuck' at this point, and this causes discomfort.

If we don't deal with the feelings and sensations we may form - over time - a ticcing habit. 

I say 'habit' because yes it really IS a habit. Most people don't want to hear this. 

Tics are quite simply the control mechasim the body uses as an alternative expression to feeling what needs to felt. 

When we get out of the contolling mind and into the body, we learn to move the unexpressed emotions and energies that are creating the tic in the first place. 

At Motor Tic Mastery we use a varity of tools to support the process of releasing Tics, specifically Neck Twitching. These include but are not limited to:

1) Breathwork - by reconfiguring the way in which we breath, we can break free from old habits...

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How to Stop a Sniffing Tic Disorder

Jan 09, 2023

It's infuriating - our nose - isn't it?

My nose was the first Tic that I had when I was 13. I used to wrinkle it, incessantly.

I ticced that nose hundreds of times a day.

As a young boy, I was also bullied - labelled as "rabbit" and "twitchy."

Maybe you can relate to name-calling if you are ticcing, and are looking for some relief.

At Motor Tic Mastery, we support our clients to relate to their bodies better, release emotions, and clear any subtle layers of trauma. Our approach to Tics is behavioural and holistic, not pharmaceutical in nature. 

A sniffing tic is a type of tic disorder characterized by the repetitive, involuntary sniffing of the nose.

Is that what's happening to you or your child? Is it repetitive? Can you control it?

Most people say they can control and 'hold' a tic for a short period of time, but this is not a long-term solution. if you are constantly trying to 'hold' tics back then you're creating 2 movements in your body and psyche! One of wanting to tic,...

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CBT for tics - What is it? (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)

Jan 02, 2023

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of psychological treatment that aims to modify negative patterns of thought and behavior. It is based on the idea that our thoughts and beliefs influence our feelings and actions. In the case of Tics, the action is through a movement of the body. 

CBT involves identifying and changing negative or unhealthy thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to psychological (and physical) distress. It is a collaborative process between the therapist and the patient, and it usually involves structured sessions in which the therapist helps the patient to identify and challenge unhelpful thoughts, and to learn new, more adaptive ways of thinking and behaving.

CBT can be used to treat a wide range of mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, phobias, eating disorders, substance abuse as well as motor & vocal tics. It is often considered a first-line treatment for these conditions because it has been shown to be effective in...

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Highly Sensitive Children (HSC) & Motor Tics

Dec 31, 2022

As someone who lived with Tics for 20 years, I can relate to being (and still am) a very sensitive person.

I didn't understand what 'sensitivity' was as a child though, nor were there diagnoses available for such things in my childhood. 

Highly sensitive children are those who are more sensitive to their environment and the people around them. They may be more easily overwhelmed by stimuli and may have a deeper emotional response to events and experiences. Here are some common characteristics of highly sensitive children:

  1. Highly sensitive to sensory stimuli: Highly sensitive children may be more sensitive to bright lights, loud noises, or certain textures and tastes. They may also be more sensitive to the emotions and moods of others.

  2. Emotionally reactive: Highly sensitive children may have a strong emotional response to events and experiences. They may be more prone to crying, anger, or fear in response to stimuli that may not affect other children as strongly.

  3. ...

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How to Stop a Neck Tic

Dec 20, 2022

Stopping a Neck Tic is possible. 

Much of the internet tells us that Tics aren't curable, but are something manageable. 

Few people write about healing a Neck Tic for good.

So here goes.

A Neck Tic is a symptom of suppression & tension in your body. 

If you unconsciously suppress emotions, your body will begin to show signs of suppression; i.e the Tic.

When did you learn how to ensure you DON'T suppress emotions?

No one has taught us this!

I had to learn how to open, relax and be gentler with my body SO THAT I didn't suppress emotions in my life. 

This is especially true for men and young boys because emotions aren't something we have been encouraged to talk about or share. 

Yet, it's essential on the path of healing a Neck Tic. 

I'm going to share with you 1 quick technique that you can try right now in order to improve your relationship with your body, relax the muscles around the Tic, and allow some of the emotions to move. 


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Online CBT for Stopping Chronic Tics in Adulthood

Dec 17, 2022

We utilize a range of disciplines to Stop Tics at Motor Tic Mastery.

Traditionally, Medicine & CBT has been offered. Plus a little habit reversal therapy.

However, HRT doesn't get to the root cause of the creation of a Tic - we usually Tic because a safety mechanism within our system has been triggered. We are on high alert constantly. The shutters are down. We are living in extreme vigilance.

Maybe you know what I mean if you live with this condition. 

Furthermore, many of us are becoming apathetic towards medicine. We don't really believe it can help, or there are so many side effects that it's just not worth using these medicines. 

What's left? CBT. 

CBT is great for shifting mindset, bringing awareness to unconscious behaviours and examining how we think and thus emote. 

However, it's just one part of the puzzle that we utilize at MTM.

Our standardised 8-week Coaching & CBT for Tics Zoom Call Program pulls on tools, techniques and practices from...

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Anxiety, Tics and how to STOP them?

Dec 16, 2022

Tics were the first noticable sign that I was living with Anxiety. 

And still to this day, I realise I used the physical effects of the Tic as a way to see that I was uncomfortable in the world I was living. 

Anxiety and tics are related in that anxiety can sometimes cause tics, and tics can sometimes cause anxiety.

Tics are sudden, repetitive movements or vocalizations that are typically involuntary and difficult to control. They can be simple, such as eye blinking or throat clearing, or more complex, such as facial grimacing or hand gesturing. Tics are often associated with conditions such as Tourette syndrome and chronic tic disorder.

Anxiety is a common cause of tics. People with anxiety may develop tics as a way of coping with or expressing their stress and nervousness. In some cases, tics may be more noticeable or frequent when a person is feeling anxious or stressed. On the other hand, tics can also cause anxiety, especially if they are severe or socially...

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