
Free resources on your path to healing a Motor Tic, Nervous Twitch, Vocal Tic or Tourettes. I've healed myself, you can too. 

The addiction of Tics, Ticcing & Touretteā€™s.

Aug 11, 2024

 3 Key Takeaways:

  • Tics and Addiction Parallels
  • Holistic Healing Approach
  • Personal Empowerment

Hey everyone, and welcome back to Motor Tic Mastery. Today, I want to delve into a thought that struck me recently while I was riding my motorbike home from a friend's house here on the beautiful island of Kulpanga. As I cruised through this paradise surrounded by palm trees and a clear blue sky, I found my mind wandering to a profound connection between addiction and tics.

In the world around us, addiction manifests in many forms—whether it’s to pharmaceuticals, alcohol, relationships, or even less obvious things like pornography or shopping. These addictions offer a momentary escape or pleasure, creating a cycle where we repeatedly seek out these experiences. This repetitive behavior is not unlike how tics can dominate our lives.

Tics, much like addictions, often serve as a way to cope with or react to underlying emotional or psychological patterns. They can be a...

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My Tics Started Around People, What Should I Do?

Jul 20, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • Self-awareness through Inquiry
  • Embracing emotional healing
  • Practical Strategies for Coping

Today, I want to dive into something that many of us with ticks can relate to—the curious way our ticks seem to intensify when we're around other people. Have you noticed this pattern in your own life?

For me, it's been a constant observation. When I find myself in social gatherings or even just surrounded by a few friends, my ticks become more pronounced. It's not just a physical response; it's almost like my body tunes into a different frequency of movement, responding to the energy and dynamics of the people around me.

It raises a fundamental question: does this happen to everyone in all social contexts, or are there specific triggers? This self-inquiry is crucial because it leads us towards greater self-awareness. Understanding these triggers isn't about finding a quick fix but rather about becoming more attuned to the subtle urges and tensions within our bodies...

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Our Tic is an Illusion; can we remember when we didn't Tic? Focus on that.

Jul 13, 2024

Key Takeaways:

  • The Illusion of the Tic
  • Connecting with Calm
  • The Journey Inward

Hey everyone, it’s Darren here, and it feels great to reconnect with you all. Today, let’s delve into a perspective that might shift how you view your experience with motor tics—a journey towards understanding and, hopefully, finding peace.

Let’s play with the idea that the tic is an illusion. It’s a persistent one, yes, but it’s not your constant reality. Think back to moments when you weren’t ticking much or at all. Remember how it felt during those times of calm and relaxation? Those moments are real, and they remind us that the tic doesn’t define us constantly.

From my experience working with hundreds of individuals dealing with ticks, I’ve observed a common thread: ticks lessen when we are calmer. Whether it’s during downtime, vacations, or simply moments of deep relaxation, our bodies find respite. It’s crucial to tune into...

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Harnessing the Power of Self-Care Journaling for Tic Management

Jul 02, 2024

A self-care journal is more than just a diary. It’s a focused tool where you can track your symptoms, emotional state, and the effectiveness of various management strategies. It also serves as a therapeutic outlet to express feelings, which might be difficult to articulate otherwise.

Benefits of Keeping a Self-Care Journal

Keeping a self-care journal offers several benefits:

  •  Enhanced Awareness: Regularly writing in your journal helps you become more attuned to the patterns and triggers of your tics. This awareness is key to managing symptoms more proactively.
  •  Stress Reduction: Journaling can be a great way to relieve stress. Getting your thoughts and feelings out on paper can reduce the intensity of emotions, clearing your mind and easing your body.
  •  Better Management of Tics: By tracking what works and what doesn’t, a self-care journal can guide you to more effective strategies for managing your tics. Over time, this can lead to better overall control....
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Enhance Your Tic Management with Breathing Tools: A Comprehensive Guide

Jun 27, 2024

Breathing tools are devices that assist in regulating your breathing pattern, often making the exercises more focused and effective. They can help maintain a rhythm, increase lung capacity, and ensure that you’re breathing deeply and properly, which is key to reducing stress and managing tics.

Types of Breathing Tools

There are several tools available that can aid in performing breathing exercises more effectively:

1. Respiratory Trainers - These devices are designed to strengthen the respiratory muscles by creating resistance during breathing. Users can adjust the resistance level to gradually improve their breathing muscle strength, which can be particularly beneficial for deep breathing exercises.

2. Breathing Apps - Numerous apps guide users through various breathing techniques, providing visual or auditory cues to inhale, hold, and exhale. These can be especially useful for maintaining the discipline of regular practice and are easily accessible.

3. Paced Breathing...

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Sensory Toys to Reduce Tics

Jun 22, 2024

Sensory toys are designed to engage our senses in a soothing manner. They can be touched, squeezed, twisted, or even smelled, depending on the type of toy. For individuals with tics, these toys provide a valuable outlet for excess energy and help to soothe the nervous system, potentially reducing the frequency and severity of tics.

Types of Sensory Toys That Help

Here’s a look at some effective sensory toys and how they can assist in managing tics:

  •  Textured Stress Balls - Squeezing these can provide immediate physical relief and help redirect focus from the urge to tic.
  •  Sensory Rings - Worn on the fingers, these rings can be rolled or spun, providing a discreet way to manage tics in public settings.
  •  Chewable Necklaces - For those with vocal tics or the need to chew, these necklaces offer a safe and satisfying way to engage the jaw and mouth without causing harm.
  •  Weighted Lap Pads - Similar to weighted blankets, these pads provide deep pressure that can...
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Turning Down the Volume: Managing Sound Sensitivity in Tics and Tourette

Jun 11, 2024

Today, I want to address a common issue that many of us with tics and Tourette experience: sensitivity to sound. This sensitivity can amplify our symptoms and make daily interactions challenging. Understanding and managing this aspect can significantly improve our quality of life.

Navigating Sound Sensitivity

For those of us with heightened sensitivity to sound, everyday noises like a phone ringing, someone clapping, or the buzz of a refrigerator can trigger or worsen tics. This hypersensitivity is not just about being easily startled; it’s a continuous challenge that can lead to anxiety and increased tic activity.

Why Sound Matters

Sound plays a crucial role in how we interact with our environment. For those with Tourette Syndrome and tic disorders, certain sounds can act as triggers, immediately setting off a tic response. This reaction isn't just bothersome—it can be physically exhausting and emotionally draining.

Strategies to Manage Sensitivity

Over the years,...

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Finding Focus and Calm: How Fidget Toys Can Help Manage Tics and Tourette

Jun 06, 2024

Hi, I’m Darren, your Tics Coach. In our continuous search for helpful strategies to manage tics and Tourette, today I want to spotlight a tool that might seem simple but has proven incredibly effective for many: fidget toys.

Living with tics and Tourette often means finding ways to redirect the energy and impulses that come with these conditions. Fidget toys, those small objects designed to be twisted, pulled, or spun, can play a significant role in this process.

Why Fidget Toys?

Fidget toys work by providing a sensory experience that can distract from or satisfy the urge to tic. For many individuals, including myself, these toys provide a way to release nervous energy in a controlled and harmless manner. They are especially useful in situations where tics might be disruptive or embarrassing, like in classrooms, meetings, or social settings.

Types of Fidget Toys That Help

There are various types of fidget toys available, each offering different sensory feedback:Spinner...

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Eli's Garden: Growing Acceptance for Tics

May 29, 2024

I love this short parable on healing tics.

“Once in a quiet village surrounded by gentle hills, there was a boy named Eli who felt a little different. He had a tic, a small, sudden movement that he couldn’t control, which made him feel alone and sometimes sad. Instead of playing outside, Eli often stayed at home.

One sunny day, Eli found an old garden at the edge of his village. It was overgrown and forgotten, but Eli saw something special in it. He decided to clean it up and bring it back to life.

Every morning, Eli worked in the garden. He pulled weeds and planted new seeds. His tic made the work hard sometimes, but he kept going. Slowly, the garden started to change. Flowers bloomed, and the whole place began to look beautiful.

As the garden grew, Eli began to feel different too. He realized the flowers didn’t care about his tic; they grew strong and bright no matter what. Working in the garden helped Eli feel better about himself. He found a peaceful place...

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The Role of Supplements and Vitamins in Tics & Tourette Care

May 15, 2024

Navigating life with tics and Tourette involves various challenges, from managing sudden motor tics to addressing the vocal tics that often accompany this neurological disorder. Over the years, I've discovered that, alongside behavioral therapies and medications, certain dietary supplements and vitamins can play a crucial role in managing symptoms.

The Role of Supplements and Vitamins

From my own experience and from what I’ve learned in my practice, adding specific supplements and vitamins to your diet can help alleviate the frequency and severity of tics. Here’s a breakdown of some key nutrients that have been supportive in my journey and those of my clients:

1. Magnesium - Often referred to as the calming mineral, magnesium can help relax the nervous system and has been shown to reduce the severity of tics. I personally noticed a significant improvement in my motor tics after incorporating magnesium-rich foods and supplements into my diet.

2. Vitamin B6 - This vitamin...

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